WoW: Klassenspezifische Schmuckstücke von Archimonde ³

WoW: Klassenspezifische Schmuckstücke von Archimonde

Neben den Tokens für das T-18 Set und ganz normalen epischen Ausrüstungsgegenständen werden Spieler in der mit Patch 6.2 kommenden Höllenfeuerzitadelle auch für jede Klasse ein spezielles klassenspezifisches Schmuckstück erbeuten können. Diese Gegenstände droppen dabei bei Archimonde als Endboss dieses neuen Raids und gewähren je nach Spezialisierung der Klasse immer einen besonderen Bonus, der dann entweder eine Fähigkeit verstärkt oder eine andere nützliche Mechanik mit sich bringt. Dabei ist allerdings wichtig, dass die Werte der Fähigkeiten vom Testserver stammen und daher nicht unbedingt korrekt sein müssen.

Beispiel: Während heilende Paladine beim Wirken von Heiliger Schick einen Bonus auf ihren Lichtblitz oder Heiliges Licht erhalten, erhöht das Einsetzen von Kreuzfahrerstoß bzw. Hammer der Rechtschaffenen den Schaden eines Vergelters und tankende Paladine werden unter 25% Gesundheit automatisch geheilt und verursachen AoE-Schaden.

Die Schmuckstücke

 Boss 13 – Death Knight Trinket:

  • Unholy Coil: Death Coil deals 18% increased damage, and heals you for 18% of damage dealt
  • Frozen Obliteration: Obliterate deals 11% additional damage as Frost damage.
  • Wandering Plague: Your disease ticks have a 13% chance to trigger Wandering Plague, dealing the same damage again to the target and all other enemies within 0 yards, split evenly.

 Boss 13 – Druid Trinket:

  • Wildcat Celerity: Increases the duration of Tiger’s Fury and Berserk by 56%.
  • Stalwart Guardian: All damage received is reduced by (Attack power * 15 / 100) (increased by Attack Power). This effect cannot absorb more than 90% of an attack.
  • Flourish: Your Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, and Genesis ticks have a 2% chance to also heal other allies within 8 yds.
  • Starshards: Starsurge has a 27% chance to also trigger Starfall.

 Boss 13 – Hunter Trinket:

  • Beastlord: Bestial Wrath now lasts an additional 50 sec on your pet, and it increases your pet’s damage by an additional (11 +- 15)%.
  • Blackness: Your Arcane Shots and Multi-Shots have a 22% chance to reset the cooldown of Black Arrow.
  • Longview: Your shots deal (11 / 100)% increased damage per yard between you and the target.

 Boss 13 – Mage Trinket:

  • Wild Arcanist: Arcane Power also increases the damage and reduces the cast time and global cooldown of Arcane Blast by 18%.
  • Shatterlance: Ice Lances cast immediately following a Frostbolt deal 27% more damage.
  • Pyrosurge: Inferno Blast has a 27% chance to also cast a Flamestrike at the target’s location.

 Boss 13 – Monk Trinket:

  • Eluding Movements: When you drop below 25% health, you gain a charge of Elusive Brew. Elusive Brew also increases damage dealt by 7%.
  • Soothing Breeze: Soothing Mist also heals allies around the target for 7% of the primary target.
  • Furious Sun: You have a 11% chance to perform a free Rising Sun Kick after each Fists of Fury, Blackout Kick, or normal Rising Sun Kick.

 Boss 13 – Paladin Trinket:

  • Magnifying Light: Healing with Holy Shock grants you Magnifying Light, increasing the healing of your next Holy Light or Flash of Light within 6 sec by 18%.
  • Focus of Vengeance: Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous increase your damage by 224% for 10 sec, stacking up to 3 times. This effect is reset if you Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous a different target.
  • Savior’s Boon: When you drop below 25% health, the Light will heal you for (Attack power * 448 / 100), and deal (Attack power * 448 / 100) Holy damage to nearby enemies. This cannot occur again for 12 sec.

 Boss 13 – Priest Trinket:

  • Naaru’s Discipline: Your Penance, Flash Heal, Heal, and Prayer of Healing also grant Naaru’s Discipline to allies, reducing damage taken by 3% for 10 sec.
  • Complete Healing: While in Chakra: Sanctuary, Heal’s cast time and mana cost are increased by 20% and its healing is increased by 40%.
  • Mental Fatigue: Mind Flay damage applies Mental Fatigue to the target, increasing damage taken from Mind spells by (135 / 100)% for 10 sec, stacking up to 10 times.

 Boss 13 – Rogue Trinket:

  • Toxic Mutilator: Envenom also increases the critical strike chance of Mutilate and Dispatch by 13%.
  • Eviscerating Blade: Your Eviscerate now hurls a blade at the target, with a 20 yard range, and deals 27% additional damage.
  • From the Shadows: Increases the damage of Ambush and Garrote by 34%.

 Boss 13 – Shaman Trinket:

  • Elemental Bellows: Increases the damage and duration of Flame Shock by 45%.
  • Furious Winds: Your Windfury Attacks deal 179% increased damage, and have a 22% chance to generate a Maelstrom Weapon stack.
  • Low Tide: Casting Healing Surge, Chain Heal, or Healing Wave on a target with your Riptide on it has a 22% chance to spread that Riptide to another nearby ally.

 Boss 13 – Warlock Trinket:

  • Epidemic: Reduces the duration and period of Agony, Unstable Affliction, and Corruption by 7%.
  • Swarm of Gul’dan: Hand of Gul’dan has a 13% chance to also summon 3 Wild Imps.
  • Flamelicked: Incinerate increases the critical strike chance of your spells against that target by 1% for 10 sec, stacking up to 5 times.

 Boss 13 – Warrior Trinket:

  • Shield Mastery:Shield Block now also reduces magic damage taken by 9%. Shield Barrier now also increases your Armor by 9%. Shield Charge now increases Shield Slam, Revenge, and Heroic Strike damage by an additional 9%.
  • Tactical Surge: Your auto attacks have a 16% chance to reset the cooldown of Colossus Smash.
  • Berserker’s Fury: Your auto attacks increase your haste by (112 / 100)% for 6 sec, stacking up to 10 times. This effect is reset if you auto attack a different target.

Quelle: JustBlizzard